stardustmedia, where stars are born
At stardustmedia musicians of all kinds of electronic music are welcome to produce their art.
If it is a complete production from zero inclusive sound design, mixdown and mastering.
Or 'only' mixdown respectively mastering for their already written songs.
My customers get unique outstanding products with highest possible quality for a reasonable price.
The products will reflect their emotions and themselves. The end product will meet international
standards. So my customers will increase their chances with signing at a record label.
Homeproducers, DJs, singersongwriters und beatprogrammers may release their individual creations
to the market with the best possible price-performance ratio, that is built upon experience,
efficiency and systematics.
How does stardustmedia stand out from other studios?
-) The only public music studio specialised for electronic music with highend analog gear
-) Best quality and fast results from a to z
-) Individuality and uniqueness with sound design
-) Affordable costs
-) Holistic services for you and your music
I almost forgot the probably most important 'gear' in the studio!
Me, myself and I: Murat Boyuk Pilavci - BA Recording Arts, University Middlesex London

Whith the age of 5 I already loved to tinkle my brother's piano. Every day I hit the keys
and loved its sound. Even later, during piano lessons, I loved to create and write new tunes.
So the day came, when I was 15 and got my first sampler. Since this day I bought more gear,
even more professional gear and today I'm proud to own a high end analog studio and offer
professional services to everybody.
Meanwhile I studied BA Recording Arts in Zurich and Munich and produced or mixed
for a lot of different customers. Hopefully I can get to know you too very soon
and raise your project to the next level.
Have a listen yourself to the most recent productions that were done at stardustmedia:
Here you can download free songs:
A complete overview of all productions can be found at DISCOGRAPHY